Photocatalyst Mosquito Killer LED Light New Indoor Anti-mosquito Lamp USB Fly Killer Mosquito Repellent Mute Mosquito Trap Lamp


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Photocatalyst Mosquito Killer LED Light New Indoor Anti-mosquito Lamp USB Fly Killer Mosquito Repellent Mute Mosquito Trap Lamp.

Light touch coal. Anti-mosquito black technology. Nano violet light wave.
Purely physical mosquito killer, strong suction to catch mosquitoes. Mosquito killer for mother and baby. Quiet and comfortable
Low decibel operation. Do not disturb sleep. Circulating sealed air duct. Inhalation of strong winds to kill mosquitoes
360° mosquito trap. Catching mosquitoes by imitating human body temperature Body temperature
Four mosquito trap lamp beads. Removable mosquito storage box


-Place the device 1.6 to 3.9 feet above the ground.
-When the mosquito killer is working, turn off other light sources in the room. The darker the light, the better.
-During use, people should try not to get close to the machine, because people are more attracted to mosquitoes than machines.
-Turn on the mosquito trap 2-3 hours before going to bed.
-Put it in the corner for better results.


Please avoid falling from a high place, otherwise the fan blades may be damaged. Do not open the mosquito trap frequently. Let the fan work until the mosquitoes dry out.

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